Monday, July 27, 2009

Dexter brings his blood splatter patterns to the Iphone

With its mountain of applications (many of which are games), the iphone and ipod touch are sorely in need of a killer app. While largely based on one's interests (you love the showtime series "Dexter", and don't mind simulated murder), its none the less one of the more graphics heavy games to come to the platform. Icarus studio's plans to release the first installement of the episodic iphone game later this summer. The above trailer clearly show's promise of rendering some good ol bay butcher justice.

First Look at C&C 4

So its official. Kane is back to cause mayhem and weather you root for peace through power or love raining death from above via orca gun ships, its going to be one hell of a ride. Make one wonder when Generals will get the go ahead to see the light of day rather then be stomped on in a march of endless sequels. But it's Kane so the theatrics should be good if nothing else. Check out the trailer below:

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dragon Age says Jolly Good to bestiality...among other things.

Bioware's upcoming RPG Dragon Age: Origins has finally clarified its stance on sexual encounters and how the game will be rated when it hits your local retail shelves. In keeping with the tradition of implied sexual encounters, the game will minus a pair of demon breasts not feature nudity beyond what was seen in mass effect.

So the game appears to be good for any over protective parent or rating concious company worried about impact of sexual content on sales. Or is it.

Bioware's been known to break ground with its story telling, breaking the taboo barrier was not in the cards. So when you set foot in the world of dragon age origins be prepared to visit the local brothel and get your jollies with a 'woman', 'man', transexual or even an animal.

If visions of mounting your mount send you running for the hills then never fear, your team mates will still be available for plot romances and shagging as in recent bioware titles.

Full details can be found via the ESRB here

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

First look at Iron man 2

The recently released trailer shows a game that expands beyond the movie. Eat your heart out mega man!