Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dragon Age says Jolly Good to bestiality...among other things.

Bioware's upcoming RPG Dragon Age: Origins has finally clarified its stance on sexual encounters and how the game will be rated when it hits your local retail shelves. In keeping with the tradition of implied sexual encounters, the game will minus a pair of demon breasts not feature nudity beyond what was seen in mass effect.

So the game appears to be good for any over protective parent or rating concious company worried about impact of sexual content on sales. Or is it.

Bioware's been known to break ground with its story telling, breaking the taboo barrier was not in the cards. So when you set foot in the world of dragon age origins be prepared to visit the local brothel and get your jollies with a 'woman', 'man', transexual or even an animal.

If visions of mounting your mount send you running for the hills then never fear, your team mates will still be available for plot romances and shagging as in recent bioware titles.

Full details can be found via the ESRB here

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