Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ignorance is painfully bliss

While browsing through WIRED's game|Life blog, I happened across a story pertaining to an NPR story about the latest in a long list of HALO books. Which I haven't read by the way but appearently all of you have since its been on the new york time best seller list for awhile.
Regularly belittling gaming as "all shoot em ups", or calling one of bungie's conference rooms a "gaming playland", was bad enough. The fact this gaming illiterate had the stupidity to ask weather gamers read and acted shocked that video games had a story is what really pissed me off.
Games with an in depth storyline have been around since Zork And the Sierragames.

Other comments such such as refering to gamers as geeks was less infuriating but just goes to show how out of touch some people are, regardless of there age or status.

It wouldn't surprise me if Jack Thompson was on NPR soon after words.

You can judge for yourself.

Click here

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