Wednesday, January 16, 2008

UK prime minister vows to crack down on knives in video games

Yes reader, the uk's prime minister wants to crack down on the use/existance of knives in video games. He's doing this in response to a spree of knife related deaths in the UK. The logic of this move had me wondering if Jack Thompson had gone abroad. Never mind the lunacy of the logic involved, why doesn't he bring up something more stareotypical like the existance of guns in video games ? Rocket launchers ? Ok. Automatic assault rifles ? Ok. F'n Tanks! Ok.

The British Prime minister Gordon brown went on to make a pathetic and condescending statement about this all not leading up to censership or a witch hunt.

"No one wants censership or an interfering state. But the industry has some responsibility to society and needs to excercise that. " - Gordon Brown

No Mr.Brown private company's and corporations in general shouldn't have to nore will they edite there artistic material (video games are a form of speech). For all america's supposed ills, I'm happy to live in a country that respects freedom of speech as passionatly as we do and only have to contend with the occasional loon such as Jack Thompson and not our president when it comes to such issues.

Society is changing, it's what people and not politicians choose to make it. That being said, I can't wait until the current video game generation replaces individuals like Gordon Brown weather it be the UK, USA or the world.

The british news provider The Sun has a whole slew of info on the topic of knives and Mr.Brown's feelings on them.

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