Friday, May 9, 2008

Apple Video Game Console rumors: PIPPIN 2.0 ?

Ok, so I love Apple computer. I'm using one to write this blog,search the internet and create flash and dreamweaver files. If I'm the stareotypical machead that some would like to paint me as, then the news that Apple Insider gave us earlier today, that Apple has filed for patents on a 3D motion controller for the AppleTv should have me singing in the non-existant arizona rain right ? Wrong!

Just because Apple has filed the patents doesn't mean it will pursue a path that its already been down before and come out of with its tail between its legs. Pippin was the game system and 1996 was the year of its launch. Against the N64,Playstation and Sega's multiple consoles, it failed and closed up shop a year later.

You could argue that the Apple of today is an entirely different animal then its 1996 predeccesor. For one you've got the inspirational salesmen and apple evenaglest, "steve jobs", who's reality distortion field could do wonder for initial sales.

Secondly, Apple is flushed with cash from the ipods,macs and iphones that have been flying off the shelf. The stock is currently at 182 dollars and thats with the economy in recession. Itunes has even been projected to account for 25% of all the worlds music sales within a few years.

Not a bad position to be in....but.

Apple hasn't gone after the gaming market in a significant way. Apple's Macbook Pro's and Mac Pro desktop are the only real gaming machines and thats largely due to there graphic cards not being inadequate. Still upgrading and video card support have been issues with macs. Though the Mac Pro could be making some big inroads as a PCgamer cover story I read awhile back implied.

Yes some of the pushes toward dual releasing games for Mac and Windows by EA are impressive but when it comes to the console market, people are already flooded with choices and two of them dominate the high end (Microsoft & Sony), while the trusted brand that is Nintendo offers up basically the same product apple has gone ahead and patented. Motion sensory controls and and weak graphics aside, nintendo has the software to blow away whatever console or AppleTv add-on comes along.

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