Saturday, May 31, 2008

Resident Evil 5 Trailer: kill zombies in a racially suggestive manner

OK so while Resident Evil five does take place in Africa and thus the majority of the inhabitants (and thus zombies), are black. Its been suggested by some that the game is racist in nature due to its treatment of none-zombified africans as being "zombie-like", in nature and appearance. The fact that your a white guy also suggests racism in the eye's of some.

The other four Resident Evil Games all took place either in Europe or the United States, so this little change of scenery if anything adds a refreshing change to the overused setting that is the United States.

Jim Sterling of Destructoid correctly pointed out in an article that what all the hype and criticism of this game as being "racist", suggests is that racism is indeed prevalent. When someone See's only the color of a zombie's skin and forgets the fact he wants to eat your brains, something is seriously wrong with the world. In other news, Jack Thompson is not a hack lawyer and is not mentally deficient in every way conceivable.

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