Sunday, April 27, 2008

Gears of War 2 footage to be shown via Spike's abound

Spike TV’s Gametrailers TV, has secured the rights to air the very first footage of the Gears of War 2. Gears of War was an epic game but most would agree it was created to be a stand in until Halo 3 arrived. Though no one can deny it had a more intelligent method of gameplay involved then most First Person Shooters.

But the game is still very impressive and likely to sell extreamly well. If the hype and trailers are good (pinning everything on a demo), then sales could fall within the CoD4 – Halo 3 range, with the top dog presumably being the impossibly high yet presumptive GTA4 sales figures.

Game Trailers TV host Geoff Keighley said something that sounded as credible as saying the world is flat or that the earth is the center of the universe. “At Spike we are committed to delivering the biggest blockbuster videogame exclusives every week”.

Alright so the network that had Telia Tequila host a gamers event that was more about half naked girls then creativity, sales or any level of evaluation that matters, is committed to games, gaming and the blockbuster video games it somehow fails to see with its stereotypical lenses of ignorance and greed.

Portal was a wonderful game when the awards show Spike hosted was making evaluations on who to nominate and award what prize for w/e category. It’s still a good game even now. This didn’t matter however to Spike since it wasn’t part of some long running established series. These same people probably don’t understand why a HALO 3 either A) wouldn’t make sense or B), be in poor taste.

Spike: HALO 4 = $$$ = rateing if we show it on our channel = $$$ for execs at the top.

So while you’d think they’d care about capitalizing and marketing the shit out of said special event i.e the exclusive footage. They pull a move that would have Red Foreman screaming dumbass and threating steel toed boots up someone’s hind parts by airing the footage at 1AM EST?PST slot on May 9th.

I mean if we are all pimply headed teens who have nothing better to do then look at porn (thus loving girls covered gamer icons), and play video games. How exactly are we going to watch this at 1AM ?

The College kids in Game Trailers 13-24 demographic will no doubt be huddled around a large plasmas or sitting alone in their dorms studying for tests or too drunk to comphrend the images splashing across the screen (assuming they haven’t passed out).

While the last two paragraphs are filled with the stereotypical assumptions of tv executives and more then a few ignorant politicians, it goes without saying that this “exclusive”, footage will presumably appear on Xbox Live and (not to be confused with Spikes crudely contrived creation). I think I’ll get some sleep knowing I can watch the Gears of war 2 trailer at my leasure after I’m well rested enough to better appreciate its glory.

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