Sunday, April 6, 2008

Star Wars: Unleashing bad ports

I'm a huge star wars fan. I collected the toy battle droids as a child and waited in the rain as a teen to see episode 3. Being the gamer that I am, I've naturally played several star wars games. Jedi Academy stands as my favorite PC title while Knights of the old republic has yet to be matched on the console.

Why no Star Wars: Empire at war ?

Simply put, the game wasn't all that. I know that sounds like a lame comeback but after playing through the games imperial campaign and several scenarios, it just didn't have re playability. The tortured mess that was Galactic Battle Grounds had me wanting to gag as we saw what age of empires II would've looked like if you'd had storm troopers instead of Teutonic knights.

Now Everyone is excited about Star Wars:Force unleashed, myself included. However it seems that like any profitable business Lucas Arts is whoring its creation out to anyone with a few dollars like some desperate pimp on the streets of the ghetto. When Everyone had a piece, what's really left of the original product we came to know and love ?

After you watch the video clip courtesy of, you understand that the DS version of Star Wars: Force Unleashed, looks extreamly shitty. Oddly enough the PSP version doesn't look too bad and even has some interesting goodies. Who doesn't wanna say "all too easy", after freezing a punk jedi in carbonit ?

The Wii version of the game doesn't look that bad but I think the third person perspective might ruin the immersion for some players. The actual physical activity will probably make up for this but anyone who knows the wii controller knows that what you do in real life isn't always duplicated on screen...if at all.

All three consoles managed good visuals but the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions reign supreme when it comes to graphical finesse. When your Professor asks you what you were doing on the 17th (release date 16Th of September), you'll answer with a cocky gin "unleashing the force!". Say that during Sex and prepare to be stuck playing with your wii.

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