Wednesday, February 13, 2008

MASS EFFECT: EA's newest Massive franchise

The fear and genuine uproar I (and many an RPG fan), felt when EA gobbled up Bioware now seems to be genuinly justified. EA has in the past serialized many titles to the point where the offshoots that have little to do with the original game end up killing the whole point of the original game and turning it into a lame title that is recycled and produced to line EA's pockets.

Speaking with a group of industry analysts, EA Games President Frank Gibean said the sci-fi soap opera will be a franchise for the company "for a very long time". Somehow I don't think I'm the only one to equate "very long time", with we'll bleed this motherf*ucker dry and then discard it like some over used whore.

I don't wanna be stareing at Mass Effect 5 in a few years and wondering what happened to this prom queen of a title. Then again Mass effect is supposed to be a trilogy (which is just three titles for all you Halo fans expecting the halo trilogy to go beyond 3 and into 4), and maybe EA's recent efforts at redemption will pay off. Though its a rather big maybe.

As long as we don't get another "Sith Lords", because of the EA takeover, I'll be only mildly discontent as opposed to "take-to-the streets", infuriated. That's assuming EA doesn't adhere to its city-state model of managing Bioware.

Read all of Gibeans comments here

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