Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hell hath no fury like a gamer scorned!

Well more appropriately the Internet is the one lacking in the fury department. Gamers using the net are another story entirely. The jist of the story is that author Cooper Lawrence appeared on Fox news in a discussion on sex in the hit game mass effect. Commenting how male gamers could have sex with female characters who were portrayed as objects.

At least when ass hats like Jack Thompson make claims, they show some footage or throw some half-baked bribe inspired inspired facts our way before we laugh at there idiocy. Lawrence not only hadn't played the game, she hadn't even watched the supposedly pornographic clips.

Know where she got her info ? A friend who told her that the game was pornographic. That's it! One source. She made a statement without any facts. Was she the author of a book spewing crackpot theories on gamers and violence ? No.

Lawrence is the author of snide sounding and before this already negatively reviewed "The Cult of Perfection: Making Peace With Your Inner Overachiever".

The bright spot in all this is that gamers retaliated, going online to as well as Barnes and Noble's website, and giving her book negative reviews.

If this book was craptastic before the event, it's gone down right bargain bin trashtastic in the aftermath. By Friday afternoon 412 of the book’s 472 user reviews were the lowest possible rating, one star. If there was such a thing as negative stars then I'd be giving it negative -5.
You on the other hand are more then free to pile on the pain by going to the following link and contributing to this lesson in justice. Most craptastic book that shouldn't have seen the light of day

The supposedly pornographic Sex scenes she and every other ignorant person are, or in her case not aware of, are shown below.

She also failed to mention (having not played the game), that you can be a female character in the game and have romantic encounters with either male or female characters.

An example of the actual depth of Mass effect and the 140 people who put there heart and soul into the game is the drama involved in the plot lines. As opposed to Lawrence and Fox's interpretation of the game as being on par with some thrown together hentai flash game.
Given all the frontal nudity they claim the game has (but doesn't).


Speaking of which. If you'd like to get a more "fair and balanced", look at this interesting lesson in ignorance being battered down into oblivion. Check out the source for the story: The New York Times. The additional negative numbers for Lawrence sighted in its article should bring a smile to your face. I'm grinning ear to ear....and can't stop for some reason.Side effect to an Overexposure to Joy perhaps ?


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