Friday, January 18, 2008

THQ Buys Rise of nations developer Big Huge Games

Rise of Nations was a great RTS that continues to sell on store shelves which had you conquering the world for many hours. You could build your own earth empire (without all the complexity of Empire earth I& II or the glitch infested train wreck of a kiddie game that is Empire Earth 3), with unique units and culture specific buildings. Creating wonders to win the game was also a breath of fresh air over the “kill everything”, style of game play that was so prevalent at the time.

Well Now all those building, units and anything else to come or coming out of Big Huge games is the property of THQ and you know what ? It isn’t a bad thing.

THQ has been the publisher for hit games and more specifically RTS games for the last two years. Supreme Commander, Dawn of War, Company of Hero’s. The three biggest games of 2007 for the Real Time strategy genre were all affiliated with THQ.

Maybe I’m missing something then when THQ says its gone ahead and bought Big Huge games to shore up its portfolio. I suppose THQ wants to be for RTS’s what Bioware is to RPG’s. To that end they have given Big Huge Games the ability to expand with new staff and focus on creativity.

Big Huge games has a partnership to develop a new MMO titled,

Once this deal is closed Big Huge Games will have the resources to create a new hit for the RTS genre, give THQ an MMO to gobble up some segment of that WoW dominated market and close any gaps THQ thinks it has in its portfolio.

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