Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Xbox360 Runs to S.Korea's embrace after being neglected/rejected by Japan.

Anyone interested in the video game industry knows that when it comes to the console wars, Microsoft has failed to gain ground in Japan, where homegrown titans Sony and Nintendo hold a special place in the hearts of the Japanese people. That being said, S.Korea has had no such squabbles over embracing the American made console. Siliconera & Kataku blogs both attributed this to a similarity to the PC gaming scene. While I personally don't see this, one can attribute a huge portion of 360 international success to its successful ease to use online service, xboxlive.

So popular is the 360 in fact, that South Korean television station MBC Game has begun to airing a program called *360 Live Attack*. The most striking factor here is that the network most responsible with airing starcraft matches (which south Korean's are obsessed with!), has made room for the 360 when the pc continues to dominate. It shows that the 360's popularity is going up in south Korea and lessening the consoles failure in japan.

360 Live Attack, has two hosts discussing the latest 360 games (think of it as a S.Korean X-play), then picking up controllers and doing battles on xboxlive on everything from Viva Pinata: Party Animals to Halo3.

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