Sunday, January 27, 2008

Xbox finally makes some bank for Microsoft

since Microsoft jumped into video games over 8 years ago, one thing has been constant. Its been loseing money. Microsoft being...well microsoft. Has been able to weather the storm and give us some impressive gems like the HALO series and Gears of War, lest we forget psychonaughts on the original xbox.

Well the people over at the Redmond giants Xbox Entertainment and Devices division, can hold there heads up high. The division recorded an income of 524 million dollars. As opposed to the 423 milllion loss the same quarter last year.

In the first half of fiscal year 2008:

6.1 million Xbox360 consoles sold

4.82 million copies of Halo 3

The simple fact is that the Xbox360 costs less and less to produce while the price to advertise it has also continued to decline.

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