Saturday, January 5, 2008

Xbox360 reache's 17.7 million in sales

Microsoft has something positive to report about its hardware...finally. Ok so while some of us may be scratching our heads or complaining about our lack of eliteness (reference to the latest xbox360 sku), it seems that the people at Redmond finally have something to smile about. Besides having the best online console experience through xboxlive and arguably the best games library of both exclusive and multi-platform games, there are finally a significant number of consoles on which to play said games.

It won't surprise anyone that Halo 3, sold 8.1 million. For all its hype Mass effect would be damned if it couldn't match Assassins Creed in sales and to its done just that by shooting past the one million mark with 1.6 million games sold so far.

While we look at the numbers game, the 17.7 million strong xbox360 owners family seems set to continue growing especially as we approach the release of grand theft auto IV which will be a system seller no questions asked.

While Gates and Co do love there Benjamin's, it seems that if market share is what they are after (more consoles = more games sold = more $$), then a price drop around the release on March 3rd could definitely help push the 360 toward the 20 million mark.

Because since when has Microsoft ever milked we consumers with over priced goods that could be great if only they weren't so damn expensive ?

*cough* Zune *cough*

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